
Project Overview
Sam Crosby and his crew were able to locate, mobe equipment on site, submit parish permits, repair waterline, and supply the town of Grand Isle with water days before estimated. Sam’s crew along with the dive crew (Triton Dive Services) and a crew that works with the parish (Bip and Sons) worked around the clock. Staging (2) spud barges the crew brought the busted waterline to the surface. The crew replaced the bad section with new pipe and then positioned waterline back in line with the water stations. While the crew was repairing the waterline, they also ran a temporary line
from a water barge to a water station for back up. In short GIS was notified of a possible water leak on 7/22/20 at 10:00 am on 7/25/20 at 5:00am Grand Isle was back to full water pressure. The crew worked safely and swiftly under tremendous amount of pressure from the Media, Parish Workers, Town Residents and not to mention no rest. There is
ABSOLUTELY NO QUESTION why this crew is requested each and every time the waterline needs repaired.
Here is a list of the Crew: Albert Blanchard, Robbie Lasseigne, David Francis, Sam Crosby, Jeremy Baxter, Tobby Armand, Constin Constintane, Brian Rogers, Justin Olds and Durvin Lombas.