Project Overview
  • GIS Engineering provided a turnkey, EPF, solution for a key upstream client, and then the Install.

scope of work
  • Designed a pipe bridge with a 30’ elevation and 270’ span that would support (2) 42” pipes.

  • For the EPF scope, performed engineering in-house, sourced structural steel from local supplier, sourced custom pipe supports, and erected the seven (7) modules at the Abbeville fabrication facility.

  • GIS was then contracted for the install. The scope involved subcontracted barge transit from Abbeville, LA to Venice, LA, subcontracted heavy haul from Venice, LA to Port Sulphur, LA, onsite assembly, subcontracting a 1600toncrane for the installation.

  • Additionally, GIS was able to provide survey in-house to verify bolt hole accuracy after assembly, and precast anchor bolt locations. The aligns were perfect.

  • The project finished 2 weeks ahead of schedule, on budget, zero recordables, and zero NCRs.